Shared office rental in Sarria

Oferta espacio de trabajo

compartir oficina, share a desk, coworking barcelona


Mendel4, shared workspace and multipurpose use.

If you’re a developer, journalist, designer, translator, interior designer, architect or photographer you might be interested in this offer of work space: 120 m2 of office, spaces for work and meeting, Kitchen, bathroom and relax area.
Ideal for entrepreneurs and independent professionals who want all the advantages of an office without assuming all overheads
In Mendel4 you can work comfortably and receive your customers and suppliers without having to manage your own space and services. If you structure is small but it is growing and you no longer want to organize it from home, it is a good time to think about sharing office.

€ 125 / month with all expenses including office limited to 2 desks beginning in September 2015
Write us using the form on the web and visit us. We know what being an entrepreneur every day!

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Features space

Offer for 2 months. Consult conditions of the offer.

Installation view of Li Hui: Ksana

Li Hui,Ksana

Ksana. Li Hui installation view, at Sandra Gering Inc

The exhibition’s title, “Ksana,” is the ancient Sanskrit word for an imperceptible span of time. In the works included in the show, images of collision and fracture abound, and Li has attempted to capture the precise moment when two objects meet and damage or even destroy one another. Here, steel mirrors are important materials, and have been carefully splintered so that they maintain their damaged form without falling apart completely, solidifying a moment between wholeness and disintegration—or the impact of art and technology on one another.

Source: Artsy
Artsy’s mission is to make all the world’s art accessible to anyone with an Internet connection.
They are a resource for art collecting and education.
More at

Cooking class of original Paella Valenciana DO

Best paella valenciana Barcelona

Next Meetup: “Paella sólo hay una”

Mendel4 brings Barcelona to cook Rafael Vidal, driver of the DO Paella Valenciana.
“The oil should never touch the rice” If you fry the rice, maybe you’re cooking a good risotto, but never approach a real paella … ”

Tuesday, March 31 20h. Assistance € 25. Reservations and information in the form on this website.

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